1·It is a graphical modeling tool that is organized to provide instant access to process model attributes that add dimension and value to the diagram.
2·You can add dimensions to an array control or indicator by popping up on its index display (not on the element display) and choosing add dimension from the pop-up menu.
3·Loutherbourg, like other contemporary painters, wanted to add the dimension of time to his paintings.
4·Add all of the tables used by the facts and dimension objects, along with their correlation names.
5·To set a default member for a dimension, add that dimension to the model, and then set the default member property.
6·To hide a dimension, add it to the model, and then check the hidden flag.
7·To rename a member, add it to the model under the virtual dimension where it is contained.
8·To hide a member, add it to the model under the virtual dimension where it is contained, and check the hidden flag.
9·The third method is to add a field to the dimension table that captures old values.
10·It is worth mentioning that classes of service add a third dimension to what was a two-dimensional network.